



2024-07-18 11:44:11 来源:网络


bore you name是什么意思??
bore your name 把你的名字bore 英[bɔ:(r)] 美[bɔr, bor]vt. 钻孔🐐*——🐭; 令人厌烦*-🦊; 用钻🎆——🦝、挖或掘的方式打通🐽🕷——🌺🐇;vi. 钻孔😅——🐞⛈; 挖洞😧🤥-_😐🐸; 稳步前进😝_——😢🐋; 挤过去🦠😫-——🐱*;n. 使人讨厌的人[物]; 高潮🌤|_🍄; 膛径😥😤_-🎍😒,口径🤔|——✨; 钻子🦙😝_🧵🦉;[例句]Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories 有帮助请点赞🌳|🌲。
一🌺_🧩🦛、boring的意思如下🦃-🦢🐟:adj.无聊的🐳🐯|——🌟🎴,无趣的😐🎫-🐺;令人厌烦的😤🐣_🐬💥;单调的🌘_😚🦒,乏味的n.钻孔*-_🕹;钻屑v.令人厌烦(bore的现在分词)二🌵🦝|😽、音标😋🐵--🐉*:英[ˈbɔ:rɪŋ] 美[ˈbɔrɪŋ, ˈbor-]三☀️——|🐤🧨、短语laser boring 激光打孔precision boring [机] 精镗rope希望你能满意🤑-🍀🙄。


4 [因…而]受罚[for]You'll ~ for this!.你会因这件事而受罚🐐🐰_🤤!bear bear [bZr; bZə]《源自古英语“搬运”的意思》bore[bor,b)r; b):]; borne[born,b)rn; b):n] born[born,b)rn; b):n]→ A 1 a)及物动词A 1 a. 生<儿女等> She bore three children.她生了说完了🌜——|🌸。
Though its answer little meaning- little relevancy bore; For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being Ever yet was blest with seeing bird above his chamber door- Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door, With such name as “Nevermore.”听见如此直率的回答*😪|_*🐇,我后面会介绍😪||🥍😱。
注🦋🥊-——🐥🦑:Bore 无聊🏈🌱--🐀;钻研🎾🐵_🐌。associate An associate producer is the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with a producer. 助理导演是Hollywood唯一愿意和导演合作的人🎇_——😑🦡。注😻🦜——🧧🐀:associate:助理🌓🥊——🐤;合作🌷*|_🦑。这么说就是为了好玩儿🧿-🪰,实际上导演在Hollywood牛着呢🐸_——🐉,Hollywood人人都想当明星🎟|🌙,人人都想和导演套近乎🐯_🤐🌝。词义相近的词jo等会说🌳——😖。
might音标🌸🎏-——🙄🐿:英[maɪt]🐳-☹️😟,美[maɪt]🪴♟|😽🦎。might词性及意思🃏|_🐕:1🐆🐏_🪁🎴、modal (may的过去时🏵🐲——🐉,用于间接引语)可能🦀-👻🐭,可以🌷-——🐆;(表示可能性)可能😈|🐁🎄;(用于有礼貌地提出建议)可以🐅|-🐫🎇。2🎣🦝————🦓、n. 强大力量*🦉__🥋🙈;威力🐗🐳_🐿。might短语♠✨——🦟🦝:1🐗🎊——😴、Runic Might 符文力量😪||🐅🐙;强势符石🌟-——😍🦋。2🎍__🐏🤡、Military might 军事力量🦕🏈-——😽。3👿😠_-🤨、Primal 有帮助请点赞😠|🎆。
1 am was been 是(表示存在*🐚|-🎱、状态等)2 are were been 是(表示存在🕷_|😧🍀、状态等)3 babysit babysat babysat 临时照顾(婴幼儿)4 bear bore born🐨🐯|-*🐹,borne 生(孩子😗😄-|*🤐、幼畜)5 beat beat beaten😿——🐒🛷,beat 打败😳——-🌿🦓;战胜🌸-🐤;超过6 become became become 成为🌳_🐲🐌;变成7 begin began begun 开始8 break broke 后面会介绍😡🐈‍⬛-|🐹🥈。
边🤮||🐇,边缘🦙😹-_🦄☘️;边界bore vt.使厌烦🍄|🦂;钻🌾🐰__😦🌵,挖born a.天生的🕷——_🏐;出生的borrow vt.借🙄——_🎀🎰,借用🐦——🐲☄️,借人bosom n.胸💐——🦁,胸部⭐️🤫——🤬;内心boss n.老板😩🐐|🎁😾,上司vt.指挥both pron.两者(都) bother vt.烦扰🦕🐭|-🐈🌻,迷惑n.麻烦bottle n.瓶🐲🕸——💫😠,酒瓶🌳🐙-🌺;一瓶bottom n.底🌥_🍂🐂,底部😥-🍁🦄,根基bough n.树枝bounce vi.反跳🦃🌒_|🐹,弹起🐃-🦖🎟;跳起bound a.一定的🌸🐅-😫;到此结束了?🤯🍀|-🦎。
You must pay attention to that a little attention 稍加注意pay much attention 多加注意pay more attention 更多注意pay no attention 不用注意pay close attention 特别注意★bear(bore, born) v. 容忍① vt. 承受🌿🐿|-🪆🐐,支撑🎄🥍——-🏉🐅,承担🐸🐭——|🐁😦,负担Can the ice bear my weight有帮助请点赞🐾🦌-🌺🤥。
That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of ANNABEL LEE; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea; But we loved with a love that was more than love- I and到此结束了?🌛|😮。